Happy New Year to you all
The New Year always makes me feel a mixture of sadness and happiness. The sadness from another year has closed without my parents and other family members, who are no longer here. But there is joy and laughter and happiness we have shared in 2024, as well as all the...
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas……
1st December is the start of Christmas for me, the start of shopping, yes I know that will freak a lot of you out, but I cannot bring myself to start any earlier. When I was in my teens working as a Saturday girl in a shoe shop, for the whole of November our manager...
Looking towards 2025
Wowzers 28th November already, where has the last month gone!! I have been involved in a lot of admin trying to get ahead of myself for 2025 but I know it won't workout how it looks on paper. Yes I still put pen to paper to organise all the stuff floating about my...
Autumn Welcome
This month I have been reflecting on my journey within the art world and as I was writing notes for this blog entry I was thinking about past tutors, who without their encouragement, knowledge and guidance shared with me, I know I wouldn't be here, in my studio living...
Back to school……
September has arrived and time for the new school year to begin. Children moving up the years groups are now old hands at the school but in contrast the 'newbies' in reception class and year 7's enter with a mix of excitement and nervousness in equal amounts but...
Have you very felt so nervous that you talk yourself out of doing something that would be good for you?
So this was me just a few weeks ago. I had seen that there was an art show coming up and that it would be a good thing to enter to see if my work would fit in with other artists in North Cornwall and Devon. I knew that back in Surrey that my art was a good fit and I...
Summertime, time to relax and unwind
What a soggy beginning to the Summer for many of us here in the UK, though saying that I have been lucky enough to enjoy more sunny weather down here in Cornwall than rain in the main. I am very blessed to be living where I am and hopefully one day to be able to share...
June is bustin’ out all over…..
Isn't that how the song goes? I wanted, this month, to share a tip or two about choosing artwork for your home. So many people make the same mistake over and over again and i wanted to make sure you steer clear of it and not waste your money. What is the mistake I...
New studio for May….
Hello from a sunny Cornwall. The sun is shining through all the windows as I sit in the dining room, well the room we are using at the moment as it is all change at The Old School. Yep you've guest it I have been moved once again and my studio now resides in the...
All Change…….
I cannot believe that we are in April already!! So what has been going on? Well we have finally moved house and are now permanent residents in the beautiful county of Cornwall. It has taken two long years but we are finally here. There is plenty of work on the house...