1st December is the start of Christmas for me, the start of shopping, yes I know that will freak a lot of you out, but I cannot bring myself to start any earlier.
When I was in my teens working as a Saturday girl in a shoe shop, for the whole of November our manager would say “Do you want me to hold onto your pay?” my answer was always yes. Then the first Saturday in December once the shop closed I would get my pay packet, a little brown envelope with actual cash in and the odd coins too. I felt wealthy beyond my dreams and then I would start my Christmas shopping for my family. When I started my nursing I would usually go out shopping on my day off nearest to Christmas. This was when the January Sales actually started in January and the shops were still stocked with Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve and most shops were closed Boxing day. So much has changed since then, not all for the better but change happens all the same.
This Christmas will be again very different as we won’t be spending it with our children, they all have homes of their own and will be creating new traditions with their own families. Please don’t think we will be lonely as we are spending the holiday period with friends and very much looking forward to it.
Now you might be wondering when the sales pitch for my artwork as the perfect Christmas gift is going to come in? Well there isn’t. You have enough pressure piled upon you at this time of year and I am choosing not to add to it. Instead I just want to wish you all a restful and peaceful as possible Christmas holiday. If you have any spare time to yourself then I encourage you to chose to do exactly what you want to do, whether that is an activity or just absolutely nothing. Try to find time to recharge your batteries ready for 2025. None of us know exactly what 2025 will hold for us, but we do know that we need to be open and ready for positive change to happen.
So Merry Christmas to you all, and I wish the very best for you for 2025
Sammy xxx