Kevin the Carrot & Ebanana

I know, I am as surprised as much as you to have a blog post going out on time 🙂

Every year I do not think about Christmas till after my middle sons birthday has passed.  Well it has passed and I still can’t think about Christmas, the weather seems too warm compared to Novembers past. I have seen decorations up around the village already and its not even December!! The adverts have started on the TV too, which I confess I do look forward too, loving Kevin the Carrot and Ebanana (if you haven’t seen it take a look on YouTube), but for me it is still too early. I think it is because all my children are all grown up and have left home so there isn’t the frantic shopping and hiding of presents to be done.

But what about you? Have you started planning and shopping already? Is the Christmas list getting longer and longer on multiple pieces of paper or are you organised and have notes on your mobile that you are ticking off at a good pace? When family and friends ask “What would you like?” What is your usual answer? A long list or the usual “I don’t know” because you have been focused on everyone else.

It is so easy to forget about yourself when others are pulling you in all directions. Can I suggest you take some time for the rest of this month to focus on you and what you would like to find under the tree. Yes that may sound an unfamiliar thing to do but as the advert says, You’re Worth It. It isn’t about the amount of money spent but it is about what would give you Joy, make your soul sing and the thought behind the gift. There is nothing wrong with putting yourself first, it is important to look after yourself because no one knows you more than you. There maybe a certain gift you want or you may want something that cannot be brought, Time, Respect, Unconditional Love.

As I get older what I am wanting is Time. Time with my boys is worth more than any fancy presents. I don’t want you thinking that I don’t ask for “things” because I do, art materials and plenty of them mostly, but being with my children and grandchildren mean so much to me. I know I am very fortunate and I do not take them or my situation for granted. But this isn’t about me it is about YOU.

When you next get asked what do you want for Christmas, because you have thought about what gives you joy, you will be able to say, “I would love…….”



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